Comment traduit-on en français l'expression "course reserve" qui dans la bibliothéconomie anglo-saxonne désigne un service consistant à pointer la...

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Comment traduit-on en français l'expression "course reserve" qui dans la bibliothéconomie anglo-saxonne désigne un service consistant à pointer la bibliographie d'un enseignant et à mettre à disposition de ses étudiants (en ligne ou dans un espace physique) les documents figurant sur cette bibliographie ?
Pourriez-vous en outre m'indiquer un ou deux articles de référence sur le sujet ? Merci d'avance pour votre réponse précieuse.


Date de la réponse :  11/02/2009

1°) Traduction du terme « course reserve »

Votre question porte sur l'équivalence en français d'un terme anglo saxon dont se servent les professionnels de l'information documentation à savoir : "course reserve"

D’après le ODLIS, Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science, base de données terminologique en Sciences de l’information et des bibliothèque, la définition de « course reserves » serait :

"course reserves
See: reserves.

In academic libraries, materials given a shorter loan period (one-hour, three-hour, overnight, three-day, etc.) for a limited period of time (usually one term or semester) at the request of the instructor, to ensure that all the students enrolled in a course have an opportunity to use them. Items on closed reserve must be used on library premises. Instructors sometimes put personal copies on reserve, usually at their own risk.
Fines charged for overdue reserve items are higher than for materials not on reserve to encourage prompt return. In some academic libraries, reserves are available electronically, usually as an option in the online catalog or through software accessible via the library's Web site. Synonymous with reserve collection and short loan collection. See also: open reserve". [consulté le 11/02/2009]
Il s’agirait donc d'un service dédié, permettant aux enseignants de réserver et faire mettre de côté des documents en vue d'un cours. Pour cela ils remplissent un formulaire (en ligne ou papier), demandant à ce que ces documents soient mis de côté et les signalent à leurs étudiants en vue du cours.

S’il n’existe pas de définition officielle, ou littérale de l’expression en français, la traduction française de ce service pourrait être "mise de côté de documents en vue de la préparation d'un cours".

2°) Bibliographie
Si nous n’avons pas trouvé de bibliographie pertinente en français sur le sujet, nous pouvons vous conseiller la lecture des documents suivants abordant la mise en œuvre électronique d'une procédure de mise à disposition, en anglais ECRS (pour Electronic Course Reserve System) :

1. Electronic Reserves: Making It Happen. Preview By: Edwards, Hannah. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserves, 2006, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p.31-38, 8 p.

2. Building a Better Course Reserve System. Preview By: Dick, Michael L.; Ferguson, Jessame E.. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserves, 2006, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p. 39-56, 18 p.

Le résumé de cet article est explicite quant à la démarche qui préside à une ECRS :
"Academic libraries continually face the challenge of providing more and better services to their patrons within an environment of stagnant budgets. It is in this context that the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Library recently undertook a two-year project to address the limitations of an outdated, labor intensive, largely paper-based course reserve service. We were determined to develop an automated, web-based system that would make requesting, processing, and retrieving all course reserve material easier, faster, and more cost-effective regardless of format."

3. Creating, Designing, and Building an Electronic Reserve System.Preview By: Wynstra, John. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserves, 2005, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p. 57-81, 25 p.

4. Creating an integrated electronic course reserve system. Preview By: Herrington, Scott; Konomos, Philip. Proceedings of the Integrated Online Library Systems Meeting, 2000, Vol. 15, p. 55-63,9 p.

5. Electronic reserves: the changing landscape of instructional support. Preview By: Freiburger, G A; Ralph, L. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Jan 1998, Vol. 86 Issue 1, p.17-25, 9 p.

Cet article rend compte de la mise en place d'un ECRS:
"During Spring 1996, Maryland University, Health Science Library implemented the Electronic Course Reserve System (ECRS), a client server system based on Nousoft software, as a pilot project with the university's school of nursing. The aims of the process were: to streamline the course reserve process for both staff and users; to determine whether such a system could be implemented within the bounds of existing copyright law; to determine whether the costs recovered will be sufficient to cover projected copyright costs; and recognising that the ECRS system could be a first step in the digitization of printed resources, to begin to gain experience with obtaining, storing, retrieving, and distributing images over the library and campus networks. The pilot product was very successful because of thorough planning and the effectiveness of the system which enables library users to retrieve assigned readings easily. This success inspired the staff to begin expanding the scope of the pilot project to include other schools and limited remote access. Describes the planning and implementation process, the issues that needed to be resolved, the response to the project, and future plans. Particular attention is paid to issues of copyright and cost recovery. "

6. Implementing an Electronic Reserve System in an Academic Branch Library/Krishnamurthy.
Source : Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserves; 2008, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p. 195-204, 10 p.

Les numéros du Journal of Interlibrary Loan ainsi que le numéro du Bulletin of the Medical Library Association sont disponibles en France auprès de l'INIST, à Nancy.

Voyez également :

7. Wynstra, John.The design, implementation, and cost analysis of an electronic course reserve system . 2000 VI-76 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Mémoire: Thesis (M.S.)--University of Northern Iowa, 2000.

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