Research Centres

Gabriel Naudé Centre

As a history research centre, the Gabriel Naudé Centre also hosts research on the history of science and technology, particularly in terms of epistemology and social studies, as well as sociology.

The unique nature of research conducted in France is based on a recognised tradition in the history of books and publishing. The field of research has expanded to include the history of libraries in modern and contemporary times, as well as the impact of new technologies on the use of the written word and cultural institutions. The history of libraries is integrated into the knowledge of the evolution of public policies and cultural practices.
 The Gabriel Naudé Centre is identified in France as a  leading laboratory in the field of the retrospective description of printed works.

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ELICO, the Lyon Research Team in Information and Communication Sciences, is a host team (EA 4147) that brings together researchers from higher education institutions in Lyon and Saint-Etienne: Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lumière Lyon 2, Jean Moulin Lyon 3, and Jean-Monnet Saint-Etienne universities, Enssib and Sciences Po Lyon.
The research focuses on media and digital mediations (media, journalism, documents, libraries, digital communications).
This research adopts a perspective of understanding the elaboration and circulation of knowledge, the reconfigurations of public space, in its media and documentary dimensions and in the professional practices associated with these dimensions; it includes practices and output.