Enssib is a State accredited institution and is responsible for training public sector library managers, curators and librarians, recruited by means of a competitive entrance examination.
Diploma: Library Curator
Course duration: 18 months
The Library Curator Diploma (DCB) validates the initial training of library curators of the State of France and the City of Paris.
The course is governed by Decree No. 92–26 of 9 January 1992 on the special status of the Curators and General Curators of libraries, as well as by the Order of 15 April 1997 establishing the procedures for the classification of trainee curators of libraries.
Contents :
The full-time course aims to prepare future category A+ library curators for management roles in libraries, as scientific managers capable of adapting to any type of institution and to a diverse range of job opportunities.
Career prospects :
State curators work in national libraries and related institutions, including university libraries, national libraries, libraries of large institutions, and classified municipal libraries. Curators assigned to the City of Paris work in the Parisian network of lending libraries and specialised libraries. Some curators are recruited in other specialised institutions or in libraries abroad.
Initial training for state librarians
Course duration: 6 months
The full-time basic training of State librarians and, by agreement, civil servants from the City of Paris, is provided by Enssib. It is governed by Decree No. 92–29 of 9 January 1992. The conditions of recruitment are set by the Order of 11 June 2010, as amended, and that of 22 February 2018.
Contents :
The courses are designed to develop professional and managerial skills applicable to all situations that future librarians may encounter during their careers.
This is not a course that is oriented to the specific positions to which graduates may take up.
Career prospects :
Generally under the authority of a curator, librarians are required to perform various functions:
• Responsibility for small libraries, a department, a service or a documentary sector.
• Team management / Project management
• Building, organising, evaluating, and communicating collections to the public
• Leading cross-cutting services