About us

Enssib is the French National Library and Information Science School. It trains managers in information, documentation and library sciences for the public and private sectors, through a combination of initial and continuing education. Enssib also puts great store on research as well as on promoting science and culture, particularly through its publications, its events program and the distribution of its open access resources.

Administration and governance

The French National Library and Information Science School is a public institution created by Decree No. 92–25 of 9 January 1992. Enssib operates under the auspices of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation.  It is administered by a Board of Directors and a Scientific Council.


Board of Directors

The Board decides the general direction of the establishment and the programmes, the internal rules and regulations, the budget (and updates thereto), the financial accounts and the allocation of income, the creation of degrees, and all other major projects involving Enssib.

The Scientific Council

The Council is consulted about the direction of the full-time and continuing education courses, applications for the accreditation of degrees, the distribution of credits, and agreements pertaining to research. It also issues opinion on Enssib's editorial policy.