Visiting professors

In close collaboration with the Scientific Council, the Enssib International Relations Unit invites one to two foreign researchers each year.  
Their presentations, notably during conferences and courses, reinforce the internationalisation of research in information and library sciences at Enssib.
They are open to all of Enssib teaching programmes and teaching staff, as well as to all interested teacher-researchers (from both research centres and beyond).
From the point of view of research activities, associate researchers are also encouraged to propose a contribution to the School's publications or to participate in an ongoing research project.

Visiting professors in 2023

Ester Camilla Peric, University of Naples


Kai Mikkonen, Université d'Helsinki 


Rozanne Versandaal, University of Utrecht

Visiting professors in 2022

Alexandre Coutant, french researcher attached to UQAM (Canada)


Visiting professors in 2021

Neil Harris, professor of Bibliography and Library Science at the University of Udine (Italy)


David Lankes, director of the University of South Carolina’s School of Information Science

Visiting professors in 2019

David Edgerton, historian (history of science and technology, 20th century United Kingdom)


Renée Bourassa, professor at School of Design (Laval University)