Sandra Rothenberg

Sandra Rothenberg, Information Literacy Specialist at Framingham State University (USA), was at Enssib between 21th and 23th March. During her visit, she has showed her interest to the functioning of university libraries in France and research. It was a great opportunity to receive her impressions of this visit.

Sandra Rothenberg : crossed-meeting with french libraries and openess to research

What caught your attention in the meetings that you've had with the colleagues of the Enssib ?

I was eager to learn about how one becomes a librarian in France. It is a quite different and much more complicated system than in the United States. It was also interesting to see the library of Enssib and how the classrooms and the technology in these rooms at Enssib were configured for students. Also, I was interested to learn about library instruction/information literacy in university libraries in France. It also was impressive to see how the wonderful work Enssib’s publications department does producing works such as the “Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF)”. I also greatly appreciated the names of contacts of academic librarians in Paris that were given to me by my colleagues at Enssib. Back in Paris, when I contacted these librarians, they were very happy to speak with me in person about their work, and to give me tours of their libraries.


You've come to use the resources of the Enssib library; did you find what you were looking for ?

Actually, I did not end up using the Enssib Library to do research, as I had done some research before I arrived in France. Speaking with Enssib Library Director, Elisabeth Noël and Editor of Enssib Publications, Reine Burki also confirmed that I could do much of my future research using online publications from home and also by using my university library in the United States. Both Elisabeth and Reine also brought to my attention the publications of Enssib such as the “Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF)” which I had already consulted a bit before my arrival in France.


If during your stay in France you've visited libraries, which services or collections have particularly marked / interested / amazed you ?

I have been speaking with librarians about library instruction and public services at a number of libraries in the University of Paris System. I have been impressed by some of the innovative things that are being done here in France in these areas. I also have been impressed with the study spaces and library instruction classrooms that many of these libraries have.
I really enjoyed visiting Enssib and meeting colleagues there as well as in libraries in Paris. I really appreciate the generosity and openess of everyone with whom I have spoken both at Enssib and at libraries in Paris.